Well a lot has happened since I last wrote you guys and I just want to let you know I'm safe and sound in Chongoyape, which is my new area. Last week we had cambios and for that I'm no longer in Jaen and I didn't have time to write cuz I had to travel 8 hours to Chiclayo on Monday. Well it was pretty weird and sad saying goodbye to everyone in Jaen. There are a lot of members, conversos and investigators I'm gonna miss, a lot of people that I wanted to baptize that were so close but all is well. My last Sunday in Jaen I had to give a talk; I was pretty dang nervous but all turned out well.
I arrived in Chiclayo Monday night and stayed with Elder Oswald (CCM comp) in a room with some other elders and Tuesday in the morning was the meeting of cambios. I got to see Elder Jarmon and a bunch of people from my old district; it was pretty sweet. I was assigned to the zone Polmaca, area Chongoyape. It's about 2 hours away from Chiclayo. Well something crazy happened on the way to Chongoyape and before I tell the story I just want to reassure you guys that I am safe and happy.
Well right after the meeting Tuesday I met my new comp and we got in a convi or a van were there's a bunch of people and it's super hot and uncomfortable. Well I was basically sleeping the whole ride but when we were 20 minutes away from my new area the back tire of the convi exploded, everyone started screaming and the driver lost control. It looked like we were gonna go over a drop off so the driver cranked the wheel hard and we started to roll. I swear we rolled at least 3 or 4 times in this van. My comp and I were in the very back row and we were able to escape out the back hatch. It was an ugly scene, everyone was screaming and crying, there were some people that were pretty badly messed up, lots of blood. We had to lift the van off of a woman. I gave her my pillow cuz she was badly bleeding in the head; it turns out that this woman died later that day in the hospital.
Well it was a little scary but literally nothing happened to me and my companion. We escaped from this horrific accident without a scratch and we probably could have died. I feel so blessed and protected and I know that I'm still needed in the mission and in this life and there is still work for me to do. Well we called the ZLs and they brought us to the hospital in Chiclayo to check us out just in case something had happened to us. Oh and by the way Elder Latin, Chandler's bro, is my new zone leader. The doctors said we were all good and gave us a shot in the butt for the road just in case. We met up with President Risso to explain the situation and afterward we spent the night with the ZLs. My suitcases were destroyed cuz they were on top of the van but Sister Risso already bought me some new ones along with a new pillow. Well we are famous in this city cuz the accident was in the news and everyone tells us that we are alive cuz God is with us and protects us. It has been a great spiritual experience and a great way to get into houses.
Well the cool thing about this area is that it is a little family branch. Our church is a small house and there are about 20 or 25 members here that attend church. The members have already been so nice to me and the investigators are great as well. The only leaders here are us, so we have to do everything. My first Sunday, I directed sacrament meeting and gave the class for the youth, Hahah. I already love it here and because of the situation it has been pushing me and helping me to grow as a missionary. My comp is Elder Macias from Ecuador and he only has a year. It's been a pretty sweet week and I think I'm gonna love this area. Good things are gonna go down here and I thinks that's why Satan tried to stop us from making it. Well don't freak out Mommy. I'm a missionary and we're basically immortal; we are a pretty big deal. Well I feel so blessed and I'm so grateful to be serving in this time in my life. I love the mission and I'm thankful for all your support. Until the next monday my fam.
Elder Harper
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