What is goin' on? Well the months keep counting down and it makes me real nervous. I'm not trunky and I know I have a lot of time left but I just feel like the time goes by so fast and I have so much more to learn in the mish, and so much more to do. I was reading in Corinthians today, I believe the second chapter but I don't have my scripts with me, and Pablo was talking about one of the times he went out to preach the Gospel, and he said he was nervous. He was a little scared cuz he didn't have a lot of skill or a lot of knowledge. He said that all he knew was that Christ was crucified and resurrected for us. He says his words weren't persuasive to men or to the wise but he spoke with the spirit in simplicity and touched the hearts of the humble and weak. It was strengthening cuz I know that I may not be talented or skilled in word but if I strive to have the spirit with me, I can touch the lives of others and even change the lives of others through my simple but deep testimony that Christ is our Savior and only through His sacrifice and our obedience to the principles of the Gospel can we be saved. And only through obedience, can we have the spirit with us.
Well Juan now doesn't want to come to church. It is really weird behavior considering he is only 9 years old, and considering all 5 of his sibs go to church every week. But I think he's embarrassed cuz he didn't get baptized and he doesn't want his friends in the primary to make fun or to judge, but we are working with him and hopefully he will get pumped again. I see that his dad is a little discouraged as well.
Well gots to go. Thanks for all the love and support..I love you all....Today we made tacos with my Mexican district leader. best lunch ever..I made the tortillas.
Elder Harper
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